4 Options for Nervous Dental Patients

If you fear that trip to the Oshawa dentist keep calm; you’re not alone. Research has shown that the anxiety about dental treatment is the leading reason that numerous people including adults fear and avoid the routine dental treatment. There are many causes of fear of the dentist which range from bad experiences in the past, mostly during childhood or certain specific triggers such as the sound of the dreaded drill or even the sight of the needle. Others are ashamed of the condition of their teeth especially if it’s their first visit. There are a number of options for nervous patients that will be discussed below:

1. Conscious Sedation

One of the most popular methods for nervous dental patients is the use of conscious sedation. Unlike in the general anesthesia used in hospital operations, in the conscious sedation you’ll be awake. Conscious sedation involves the controlled delivery of sedative drugs, which induce a feeling of deep sleep, peace and relaxation. Most importantly, you’ll also not experience any pain. Also, being awake, you’ll be in a better position to cooperate with the instructions given to you by your dentist. It also comes in two options where one involves the use of small needles in the back of your hand and the other involves inhalation of a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen.

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2. Calm and Professional Walk-Through

Most dentists are aware of the dental phobia that many people do have. So, they normally have specially trained dental professionals who will take their time to talk through any concerns that one has in a calm and relaxed environment. They walk you through the entire process, the options available and even devise system of hand signals that you can use when you need a break or something during the treatment.

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3. Tagging a Friend or a Family Member

A friend or a family member can be very useful during your appointment as they’ll offer the much needed support and comfort during the entire procedure. They will make you feel at ease with a familiar face taking away the nervous edge.

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4. Distraction Technique

There are a number of dental techniques that are employed by dentists as they’re aware that anxiety is normally a psychological issue. Dentists therefore employ subtle ways of misdirecting the patient’s attention such as listening to music, watching TV or listening to an audio book. These distractions go a long way in subsiding the nervousness.


Image result for Distraction Technique at a dentist